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Introduction to the Arts

Course Description

Introduction to our humanity as expressed through creativity and the arts (music, visual arts, poetry, drama and story arts, dance). This course covers aspects of aesthetic and artistic values in the broader context of human cultural development and responsibility. Intro to the Arts includes both analytical (thinking, talking, and writing about the arts) and hands-on creative dimensions (drawing, painting, acting, etc.).Note: This course satisfies the general education fine arts requirement for most students, and is the required fine arts course for education majors. It is recommended for all students with a general interest in the fine arts. Students with a special interest in theatre should see THR 112. Students with a special interest in music should see MUS 110.Note: HUM 120 does not satisfy the fine arts requirement for music majors or minors.Course Fee: Course fees apply.



Count Retakes for Credit


Yearly Cycle

Every Year

Session Cycle

Fall & Spring

Only Pass/No Pass Flag
